Today, WhatsApp offers us two business versions to improve and strengthen customer relationships: WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business Platform, but… what are the differences between the two? We explain them below: whatsapp business app Aimed at small businesses where the volume of messages is low and they want to communicate with their customers for free. WhatsApp Business App allows you to: Create your own company profile with basic information such as email, website, address, etc. Add identification tags for your contacts, for example: new customers. Configure automatic messages, for example.
What is the best option for your business?
Welcome to SMSpubli” or “This Christmas we will be out of service on December 25 and 26” Create catalogs so that users can buy directly from the application itself. You can add images, price, product description, etc. However it has several Panama Mobile Number List limitations of use phone number. The application can be used by a maximum of 5 users. You will have limited automatic responses, in no case can they be used as a chatbot. You will not be able to integrate the application with your own CRM or other software of your company. It does not have an analysis and reports section. WhatsApp Business Platform The business version of.
Main differences between
WhatsApp Business Platform is designed for medium and large companies that want to scale their communication with customers and users to another level. The app can be used by different company departments (marketing, sales, etc), allowing unlimited user access . In addition, its features include: Unlike WhatsApp Business, with WhatsApp Business Platform you can associate more than 25 phone numbers. You can integrate it with your CRM or software . You can create chatbots improving the satisfaction of your customers or users IE Lists who require more information. In addition, you will be able to help the sales team to answer the most frequently asked questions automatically. You can also create custom templates to have automated and personalized conversations.