A SaaS company must recognize the importance of interactive content, a powerful ally to accelerate the sales cycle. Therefore, it is important to know the different types that exist, in order to include them in your strategy.
Diego Gomes
Jun 22, 20 | 7 min read
Advantages of interactive content for SaaS
Reading time: 6 minutes
SaaS companies have discovered that interactive content can be a powerful ally in accelerating the sales cycle . Any Content Marketing strategy must include this concept in practice.
Changing direction is always a challenge anyway, especially when the main goal is to be more attractive to potential customers .
So, to help you understand more about this topic, we have put together some examples and ideas that will be very useful when building a solid and successful strategy.
Keep reading!
Why do you need interactive content for your SaaS business?
Interactive content is very popular on the Internet. You’ve probably already downloaded an ebook, read an infographic, or answered a quiz. If so, you’ve certainly interacted with this type of resource.
We’re talking about digital experiences designed martinique email list 100000 contact leads to engage your audience , rather than passively consuming content. There’s a huge gap between the two!
Typically, an interactive experience includes a feedback loop , so that the user takes an action and receives something personalized in return.
The bottom line is that interactive content ultimately attracts and captures people’s attention much more efficiently than a traditional blog post or a simple PDF .
Therefore, it quickly became a trend among Content Marketing best practices.
Enrich the user experience
SaaS interactive content turns a monologue into a dialogue.
This specific quality makes it perfect for Digital Marketing . According to ion Interactive , for example, 70% of marketers say that interactive content actually converts site visitors.
In fact, most marketing professionals consider engagement as their primary goal. From this point of view, interactive content enriches the user experience, thereby leading to an increase in the conversion rate .
Improve the buyer’s journey
The time it takes for a person to decide to buy something is a fertile field for marketing actions. By adding interactive content to your strategy, that moment can be used to capture the attention of your leads.
The buying journey accelerates at every stage. In the first phase — discovery — interaction works as a powerful means of attraction. Then, in the consideration phase, it can demonstrate the benefits of your products.
In this context, a competitive advantage of interactive content for SaaS is personalization . This means giving your customers an example that perfectly fits their needs.
Let’s take a closer look at how interactive calculators
are especially useful for this purpose.
It’s much more than just a text
Interactivity combines a wealth of information with a unique experience, thanks to content optimization. This brings you closer to your buyer persona — and you are no longer the one leading the conversation .
In those early stages, it means offering different options to each user.
Regardless of who you talk to, you can’t limit yourself flywheel marketing: the marketing secret of the 0.005% fastest growing companies in the world to text alone; your content must add value and provide information in an engaging way by integrating other resources.
A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that marketing campaigns used 63% more images than the previous year. That means photos, infographics, etc.
Infographics, quizzes, ebooks and interactive whitepapers are very useful to assess your customers’ knowledge and take them to the next step: the evaluation phase.
At this stage, the goal is to educate and collect more data. Here you can use interactive ebooks, assessments, calculators, solution finders, and product configurators.
All this interactive content will, in its own way, show your customers how your product solves their problem in a specific scenario. In later stages, when customers are ready to buy cg leads and make decisions, you can go deeper into data collection.