Welcome to digital target! Business. Cagliari. Marketing. Sardinia digital target is online digital target was born today and with much enthusiasm . The web agency for cagliari and sardinia that deals with digital marketing. Hospitality. Patience and stubbornness are native concepts that we have inherite from one of the main characteristics of our land: the wind. It is precisely from these that we starte. Accepting a huge challenge for us and for our land. We are a varie and passionate communication team that tries to stand out from the crowd because. In addition to the love for words and marketing.
This is the essence of our work
We care about all the companies in our area. We all know that. Unfortunately. In sardinia we are quite behind in the digitalisation of services. But we strongly think that sardinian new database companies have all the qualities to enter the international market. To sell products and services everywhere . We use innovative digital methods: from storytelling to advance methods. To highlight all aspects of your company. We boast international experience in web marketing and are constantly update training in digital coach . One of the main protagonists of the digital economy in milan and partner of google.
Welcome to our world, welcome to Digital Target
Accustome to contact with the public and with many sardinian brands. We know that passion and creativity are important. But to be successful IE Lists you nee competence . Digital target is able to design all the digital channels of your company by creating e-commerce . Websites. Social channels. Video marketing. Online advertising campaigns. Mobile marketing and web marketing strategies. Our consultancy is inspire by the new rules of digital business. The principles of digital strategy and inbound marketing . We create your market niche at lower costs than the previous ones . We take care of creating your digital identity card for a new business or to enhance your business.