Thus, the frequency of visits by Google robots and their chance of appearing in the Google index will decrease. What is worth doing in this regard: explore with a crawler how far from the homepagages support pages buried in the site structure with internal linking methods, add a side menu with additional linking to category pages adentries r internal linking in the text (in the category description or blog article) add relevant subpages in the sitemap increase the number of pagination pages available at the bottom of each page (instead of presenting only the previous and next page, add links to at least several pages.
One source of the potential problem
Endlessly multiplying duplicate pages of the combination of more enabled filters creates more duplicates. Pagination and category filters cot hundreds of thousands, of new URLs. What to g other Estonia WhatsApp Number List parameters does not lock pagination pages ensure pagination pages are not canonicalized or blocked from crawling and indexing detect the filter parameters on the website (preferably using a crawler) and block the undesirable ones with the help of the Google Filter Blocker Tool monitor how Google crawls and indexes parameters in the “Status” report in Google Search Console.
Quality of pagination pages It’s no secret that for Google
The key factor is to provide its users with the best possible experience. The obligation to fulfill this condition rests on the shoulders of the website owners. The question arises: how to ensure IE Lists the best quality of the pagination page, since it is simply one of the copies of the first pagination page? First of all, you should abandon the idea that good website quality is just a description of it. As long as the website fulfills its role well (it is useful for users. It can be considered of good quality. What is the role of pagination pages Presentation of more products/blog articles.