The same thing is happening in Italy

The same What effects will there be thanks to blockchain in retail marketing? Consumer trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. In an era where more and more transactions are taking place online, it is difficult to legitimize it and find a way to secure it. Blockchain in this field has solid promises a decentraliz and distribut lger that records. The data of all parties involv in transactions in complete security, generating. A prefin data asset for each of the participants. Beyond the financial implications that the use of blockchain. Can have on retail marketing and retail in general, the central point lies in eliminating the concept of trust.

Blockchain and retail marketing

In fact, through the use of technology, a consumer will take for grant that carrying. Out transactions at a retailer that uses a blockchainbas system will be safe and fast and that their. Data will be protect not clon. In this sense, trust will no longer be a discriminating factor in choosing. Which shops or retailers to seo expater bangladesh ltd purchase from and this will guarantee that a consumer. Will trust any of the retailers who use the blockchain. In addition to trust, transparency will be another of the concepts that will be taken for grant when purchasing from a retailer. Fewer counterfeit products, one of the last things we might want.

When we buy a product

Besides it being defective, is for it to be counterfeit. The problem is big, especially in the luxury goods sector. Where more and more products are counterfeit in a jewelery shop, for example, it will be difficult to evaluate. The genuineness of a gold bracelet if you are not an expert in the matter and, although the sales assistant. That store or the high definition IE Lists photos will do everything to convince us to buy it. We will never know if they are telling the truth or false about the characteristics and specifications of that product. It is precisely at this point that blockchain can make the difference.

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