Pagination is most often found on: next subpages of categories in online stores on blogs in the forums on news sites. loading time of pages that would take too long to load without division into smaller ones. It also makes navigation easier for users. Splitting the content into multiple pages was a big challenge for Google robots. How did the search engine go about solving this problem? Google’s position What is rel=”next” and rel=”prev” and what was the role of this mechanism in the context of pagination? Until 2019, Google officially promoted the use of rel=”next” and rel=”prev” combinations to link related pagination pages.
The use of this mechanism was to help
Google understand the relationships between pagination pages. as a whole. And as a whole evaluated by an algorithm. In addition, it would make it easier for Google to select the most appropriate pagination page to display in search results. In March 2019, in an official announcement, Google announced that this mechanism is no longer supported Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List osed in any way: Google’s official rel=”next” and rel=”prev” announcement We already know that Google does not use rel=”next” and rel=”prev” links. So how does it deal with pagination pages now? Google’s current approach to pagination John Mueller took a peek at the Google Webmaster Hangout: “We don’t treat pagination differently.
We treat them as normal pages John Mueller
Google Webmaster Office-hours Hangout 22 March 2019. The story goes on in circles. In a sense, this is a return to the situation before the introduction IE Lists of the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” mechanisms. Google treats subsequent pagination pages mal pages in this case. Pagination is no longer treated as a whole when it comes to their content – each of the subpages is treated as a separate page. This means nothing less than that Google treats all the following What should website owners do now that there is no official mechanism to support pagination pages.