The new way of marketing will be increasingly

The new way Through technology, companies can guarantee the history of the product from its creation to its placing on the market. Current technologies alone such as NFC, RFID, QR or bar codes are no longer sufficient to guarantee security. Therefore there is a ne for a safer system that guarantees the authenticity of products in the perception of customers. It will be impossible for a retailer and distributor to put counterfeit products on the market. Since the blockchain will publicly record all information about a lowquality. Or counterfeit product , creat specifically to defraud consumers.

The same product category

In this sense, the words “real” and “genuine” could disappear from the label of products sold online. Or in physical stores, because they will be able to demonstrate where. With what methods or materials and when they were produc thanks to blockchain. An example is Block Verify , a blockchainbas anticounterfeiting solution. For pharmaceuticals, luxury items, diamonds web designs and development service and electronics goods can be certifi. On the decentraliz registry, thanks to which even stolen goods can be more easily traceable. Also interesting is the case of Baby Ghost , which partner with. VeChain to launch its products at Shanghai Fashion Week in.

As its creation and marketing

In an effort to combat counterfeit products from highfashion designers. The company provid an immutable lger pair with NFC or QR code on each. Baby Ghost product, which could be simply scann by users to verify its authenticity in the Ve Chain app. More transparent supply chain In an increasingly competitive world, where companies. Find themselves producing, one of the factors. That could be consider as discriminating in a consumer’s choice of products is transparency. The life cycle of the product intend is represent by the supply chain. Which very often is not IE Lists clear to the consumer, who increasingly considers. A product genuine if it presents the quality certifications. With which it is been produc, or its origin, from the factory to the store where you are purchasing.

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