Online eBook , What is an eBook or Electronic Book? An eBook or cyberbook is the Digital version of a traditional paper book, which can be viewed on any digital device (be it a mobile phone, Tablet, PC or a device created especially to read these electronic books). For example, Amazon began its sale of digital books back in 1995. But it was only when Sony, Amazon and Papyre (in Spain) launched their eReaders around 2006, when eBooks established themselves as a new way to enjoy of the reading. In addition, the much larger screens of the new generations.
Seductive idea
Mobile phones have also email contact list greatly facilitated the rise of digital reading. On the other hand, the spread of Apple’s first touch tablets in 2010 has also contributed to allowing us to comfortably read this type of electronic formats. And how will I make money by creating a free online eBook? In reality, Online eBook although you do not directly obtain income by making a free Online eBook, you will do so indirectly by increasing your subscriber base. These e-books are a very powerful lead magnet. The tools for making eBooks.
Through the hoop
Thanks to them we will be able to IE Lists capture a greater number of leads, which we can then transform into sales. But, of course, to tell us the entire process in detail and give us many tips and ideas about it, today we have again in this guest post with my friend Tere Rodríguez, Copywriter and digital writer (as she defines herself). Next, I leave you with the guide that Tere has prepared for us and with 3 educational step-by-step video tutorials, I hope you get many ideas to make your own free e-book online! How to create a free Online eBook.