Competences and skills, but we have also been running internship programs in the PPC and SEO departments for a long time – under which we educate from scratch, helping to go through the full path of development. We are also preparing something special, namely the opening of the Promo Traffic Academy, where we will go a step further – systematize activities and support talent in building digital competences. We take this project, which is currently in the concept phase, very seriously. After the new year, we intend to announce it and make it the best academy for a digital specialist in Poland.
What do we value? Analytical approach
Readiness to learn new tools and solutions, punctuality and willingness to develop. It is not necessarily about ambition for promotions – whether you want to get higher positions depends to a large extent on you – but above all, the desire to acquire Cyprus WhatsApp Number List knowledge and improve competences. CV. The selected candidates are contacted by our HR specialist – in a short conversation she tells a bit more about the company and the position and asks about experience and expectations. The next stage is a recruitment interview (usually with your future supervisor, HR representative and the head of a given department), during which we try to get to know you better.
If we decide that you are the one we need
board Promo Traffic, we will offer you a trial Direct inputs, calleirec in the industry slang, search engine websites are three sources of traffic that distinguish the purchasing potential both in terms of the number of transactions and their value. And this is regardless of the store’s assortment – results from the analysis of online stores built on the IE Lists platform carried out together m traffic agency. It is crucial for any e-business to observe traffic statisticswhere the buyer comes from, which traffic sources bring the most transactions. And which the highest value sales. Thanks to this knowledge. You can create appropriate advertising strategies and select tools in such. A way as to maximize the effects of the campaign and earn money.