Let Us Advertise on Tik Tok Or Not

After numerous viral videos to get us through quarantine, tik tok is making advertising more readily available to advertisers!

In early july, tik tok announced its ad platform will be made available. To advertisers in countries where the platform is operational. And as part. Of this ad platform announcement, they are branding it not as making ads, but rather tik toks, according. To the slogan on their website, “don’t make ads, make tik toks”.

Now to be clear, they did previously have an advertising. Platform, but it was quite difficult for advertisers to gain access. To the platform or establish an account. In addition, there were numerous workarounds for advertisers who were actually. Granted an account. With the launch of their new and improved ad platform, advertisers. Are chomping at the bit to get their hands on it and put it to work. However, take one look at. Their website, and one can deduct that there isn’t much information regarding. How the ad platform operates. Advertisers are left in the dark as to what. They can expect their investments to look like.

The only real pieces of information on their website are the locations in which

They operate and three case studies that, well, are generic at best. These case studies show “results” for guess, clean and clear, and universal pictures.


So how do you advertise on tik tok?
When one does more research on the social media’s ad platform, they are going to be met with much of the same things phone number lists outlined in the first two paragraphs of this article. But, one tech crunch article does stand out. According to tech crunch, there will be 5 different ad formats available to users. The first being tik tok’s marquee product, the topview. This ad format is the first ad that is displayed when the user logs onto the social media app. The second format will be brand takeovers, which is essentially a 3-5 second video or image ad with no sound. The third will be in-feed videos, which are your standard social media video ads that are allowed up to 60 seconds in duration.

These next two ad formats are a bit different from the rest in that

We haven’t seen them in any other IE Lists social platforms before. The fourth available ad format will be a hashtag challenge. This is where a brand can invite users in the community to create content around a hashtag of the advertiser’s choice. The tech crunch article did not provide any insight on how this would work, and we were unable to find any documentation on this ad format as of now. Included in the hashtag challenge will be hashtag plus, which is an e-commerce shopping feature.

The final ad format that will be available is what tik tok calls, “branded effects”. This is their newest ad format and is a part of their ad platform overhaul. Branded effects allow an advertiser to immerse themselves and their brand into the content creation experience by being able to add 2d, 3d, or augmented reality (ar) formats to either the foreground or the background of tik tok videos.

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