The start of new news that may sound “shake” to many online merchants. With the news of taxation or VAT 7% of foreign platform providers, although it sounds superficial and should be happy with that is the announcement of a new iron rule for tax collection of foreign digital platform providers which is an e-Service tax collection, but in fact The people who were hurt and affectewould likely refer to various online merchants using the platform’s advertising channels, not the actual owner of the platform. Online Marketing Strategies 2021 Why Are Online Merchants AffecteBy The E-Service Tax.
People who do not register for VAT
Because the online platform provider from abroad They are all giant platforms with a . Whether it’s Facebook, IG, Google or a newcomer like Tiktok, they are all available in Thailand. Which many people may hear superficially and say, “It’s good to collect taxes on giant platforms like this sometime for fair competition in Thailand. Not collecting VAT only Pakistan Mobile Number List for Thai service providers, but collecting VAT for foreign platforms would be good.” You can advertise through these channels. “After The E-Service Comes Into Effect From September 1, 2021, Everyone Who Shoots An Add On Facebook Will Have To Pay 7% VAT, Regardless Of Whether .
This change is considere to
They Are Juristic Persons Or Individuals, Both VAT Registere And Non-VAT Registere.” People who register for VAT ( individual/juristic person) with revenues from selling products or providing services exceeding 1.8 million baht/year) Inform Facebook that we take VAT by going to update the information at Facebook Ads Manager All tools Billing IE Lists Payment Settings 🡪Business Information and enter your VAT ID and press save. After updating our VAT ID information, Facebook will not collect 7% VAT from shooting Ads at that time, but we have to bring 7% VAT to submit taxes ourselves with P.P. 36 with the Revenue Department. (file no later than the 7th day of the following month), which can make a tax refund request For example, if we shoot Ads for 1,000 baht.