If you can adjust the ads that will shoot Ads to

Although there are many people complaining loudly that he will not choose to advertise on Facebook because P’Mark Zuckerberg raise his advertising costs much heavier than before. After Facebook accepte the terms of collecting tariffs on international digital channels. But it came out at the same time as the purchasing power of people in Thailand began to decline more and more because the income that use to have to shrink due to lock down and curfew rules for opening various stores, for those who have enough credit to borrow money from the bank borrowe the full amount until it stuck to the ceiling Can’t create new debt anymore.

Viral Facebook Ad From Thai Life Assurance

Causing money to not spin in the system, despite the government’s policy to grant low-interest loans of only 1 percent, but this money is concentrate in large entrepreneurs which invests money in almost all stocks and cryptocurrencies because of this funding Spin does not reach retail investors and working people. When there is no money, they Australia Cell Phone Number List cannot buy things. or have some money but very little It is necessary to save more. Cut out extravagant expenses. This is another important reason. That causes small online sellers to have lower sales despite being willing to pay heavily to bid to shoot ads on Facebook during COVID.

Viral Facebook Ads I Hate Thailand From Tourism Authority Of Thailand

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These are just some of the elements of the problem with Facebook’s drop in sales, but there are many other reasons. that we must also consider Whether it’s about adapting Facebook’s algorithms that try to promote content that is short video clips rather than static images or text.  match with Facebook, then the chance that Facebook will increase visibility IE Lists for you is also higher. But actually, the most important thing that cannot be overlookeis Interesting content and broadcasting Until people see it and want to feel like sharing it. And become a viral ad that everyone must see, which is still something that can really be done and has been happening for.

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