Here’s the method that help Amanda gain 600 new subscribers in six weeks — and can help you. too. Plan a sustainable format Consistency is essential to building a successful newsletter. Before you write your first email. decide what you want to send and how often. The most important thing is finding a schule you can stick to. It might take some time to figure out what works. If the format you chose is causing you stress. keep iterating until you find one you can stick to. Swap out a section you never have enough content for in favor of something more flexible or send less often than you initially intend. [I]f you aren’t sure
Whether you’ve found your groove.
Whether you’ve found your groove. keep testing new things. “And if you aren’t sure whether you’ve found your groove. keep testing new things.” Amanda advises. “Not just new ideas. but test your schule. writing cadence. try seeing if publishing ahead of time begets new ideas for a newsletter.” Want more tips for growing your email list? Want more tips for growing your email list? Enroll in our List Growth Tactics course and discover ways to grow your list in a healthy. sustainable way. Enroll for free
Amanda’s newsletter has
Amanda’s newsletter has been through multiple changes since it launch. “I knew from the very beginning I want to have some curation element.” she said. But it took her a while to land on the name Petits Fours and the four-link format. At one point. she includ screenshot interviews in each issue but dropp them because they took too much time. She can try new things without losing followers because she’s consistent in delivering high-quality. topical information. Get an initial audience through existing networks Your network can help you get your email list start. but you’ll ne access to a bigger audience to continue growing.