Facebook made moves to try and become a major player in long-form video, but it hasn’t quite happened yet. Analysts watched the launch of their watch feature in the app, curious to see if it would steal market share from youtube. It hasn’t, with facebook confirming on the q4 earnings call that most video is watched in the news feed.
These features they are testing telemarketing list are part of a big push to woo content creators away from other platforms such as youtube or twitch.
Facebook messenger one-time notifications
Facebook messenger marketers have a new way to automatically stay in touch with customers on the messaging platform and its called one-time notifications.
One-time notifications are a way you can invite users to get an update from your facebook page when the update is available. Think sales, back-in-stock alerts, and product launches. You can invite people to sign up for a one-time update a bunch of ways, like a checkbox or button on your website, a comment guard on your facebook post or send message button on your facebook page.
Traditionally manufactures do not place marketing
Manufacturing companies spend about 8% of their total budgets on advertising, lead generation, and business development combined. If you are spending only a portion of that 8% on advertising and using traditional marketing methods, you are missing out on a multitude of potential customers and ultimately wasting your money. You already know that your buyers are online. In fact, 94% of b2b buyers research online before purchasing any business product, according to the 2019 state of b2b procurement study. In addition, 56% of engineers are in their 2nd or 3rd buying stage before contacting the sales team/vendor. Wouldn’t you prefer to meet your customers at the beginning of their buying process.
The number one marketing goal for manufactures is building brand awareness
In today’s world, it is impossible to build brand awareness without a digital strategy. Digital marketing provides channels IE Lists to showcase your capabilities, speak directly. To interested buyers, and demonstrate what sets you apart from. The rest – resulting in more sales. Utilizing different means of content such as videos, webinars, and blogs. About your company and products establishes you as an expert in your field. An online presence is essential to communicating with your audience, learning. The challenges your customers face, and demonstrating why. Your products are the solutions to those challenges.