Nine out of 10 b2b buyers say online content has a moderate to major effect on purchasing decisions.[3] establishing trust and credibility for a brand is one benefit to having an online presence.
More times than not, a consumer or b2b buyer is going to do their. Research on a business (and their competitors) before they ever. Decide to make a purchase. In order for consumers to do their research and prove your. Validity they must be able to find you online as 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally.
One of the biggest impacts digital brand presence has on a business. Is the ability to engage with consumers on a human level. This engagement. Could come in the form of replying to comments, answering questions, or responding. To problems or criticism in real time.
Additionally, being able to reach customers on a massive scale has a non-disputable impact of curating a consistent web presence. Not only will you be able to be seen by more users, but you will increase your brand’s relevancy.
How do you own your brand presence
Therefore, Be proactive, take control of your online image and potential customers perceptions. Start by creating a webpage that best reflects your brand and is optimized to the way your customers are trying to find you. But don’t just focus on telephone biz your website – think beyond that. Therefore, Look at your social media pages, what information is there, how often it is updated, and what story you are telling through it?
Does the information posted reflect your true brand identity? Your content should be original and consistent in tone, style, and messaging. Review your google my business listing to make sure it is complete and accurate.
In addition you may need to look into adding an online directory
Therefore, listing service to improve your 1st page rankings.
It is also crucial that your site is optimized for IE Lists mobile devices. In 2021, 53.9% of all retail e-commerce is expected to be generated via (mobile) m-commerce.[5] here are some tips to ensure your website is mobile-optimized. [6]
Therefore, Your website should be programmed to intuitively adapt to whatever device is accessing it in order to provide the most user-friendly experience
Tap-friendly: make sure all buttons, links and calls to action have the appropriate size and margin to prevent errors.