Brands know what percentage of their ad is actually

Traditional tv buyers would target women 35-54 on broadcast. Programs and channels that are often viewed by women, based. On neilsen or similar reported data. The ad for granite countertops would. Be shown to all viewers in the dma watching the programming. Purchased, regardless of age, economic status or interest.

Internet tv buyers would target women with high household. Incomes who are currently planning to remodel their kitchen using. Data collected from the advertiser (first-party data) and purchased. Data (third-party data) from sources such as experian.

The ads would only be shown to viewers in oshkosh that align with all qualifiers of the target audience.

Because it’s streaming your ads are only shown when an individual

Elects to start and engage with programming content, meaning that your commercial will only play when a person starts the program. In continuing with the example above, the ott buy would only play ads when madeline is actively viewing, say, spice up my kitchen through her hgtv app.

Ott allows brands some really phone leads for sale creative and engaging plays when it comes to their streaming ads. One of these is to create interactive ads that allow users to engage while the video is running. An example would be an ad that plays a video in one part of the screen and allows the consumer to shift through different products or services the brand is offering. If there is a granite countertop option that catches madeline’s attention, she could click on the image and view more information as well as local stores that carry the product. (it’s important to note that not all service providers allow interactive ads like this.

 Often ott services are provided in a closed network

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So they have the ability to reduce fraud. Brands now have a greater capacity to control the ad. Network their ads are shown across IE Lists and are able to pick reputable. Networks that have a proven record for quality content, placement, and transparency. Streaming tv adds a layer of accountability. To the advertiser to research unfamiliar networks; ask your agency. For help with finding out how long the network has been in operation and. What inventory they have access to, as this may not always be obvious. Or easy to access when doing research on your own.

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