Being aware of the problems and nes of the

Avoiding doing so out of interest. Being aware of the problems and nes of the interlocutors and showing solidarity with their struggles generates a lot of closeness. Now. You must keep in mind what it means to join an initiative and previously calculate the opportunities and threats. Because if you do it lightly you could put the sustainability of the business at risk. 6. Focus on the most visual and attractive formats social mia is more about psychology or sociology than technology. —brian solis audiovisual content is the best interaction generator today.

There is research that states that

They are easy to consume. Versatile to share and powerful to go viral. There is b2b email list research that states that audiovisual messages increase the rate of interaction and propagation. That’s why memes. Reels . Instagram stories and tiktok videos have become so popular. Audiences love those little capsules of content and prefer them over the others. So. Jump on that trend and make your communications more visual. This will help you improve engagement on social networks. 7. Ask questions constantly if what you are looking for is to interact.

On a recurring basis so that they interact

The simplest way to achieve this is to ask the audience questions. On a recurring E Lists basis so that they interact. A good. Timely question. Connect to the interests and motivations of the community. Will produce conversations. Warning that in principle. This action may be demotivating. Because few will answer the questions. But don’t stop. It takes a lot of finetuning and trial and error to achieve good results with this tactic. 8. Encourage fun and constructive discussions on social networks there are topics that should be avoid  religion. Politics. Sports passions.

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