Also among the top 10 are the emoji that blows

It’s been almost three decades since the first SMS was sent , so we think the time is right to celebrate with the most popular emojis. Guess which one ranks first? What are the 10 most popular emojis? We talke to 1,000 people about their communication habits and found out that the most used emoji is the crying laughing face . It is the favorite emoji of almost half of those surveyed. It is followed by the emoji of the smiley face with its eyes close with happiness . Initially developed as a mobile messaging application, over time WhatsApp has evolve into one of the communication channels used by more and more companies. According to the Wall Street Journal (2020), more than 50 million companies use WhatsApp Business to communicate with their customers. Due to its great growth and importance in the business sector.

Real case of success

One in four respondents had it among their three favorites. Very close is also the emoji of the heart , with which love, positivity and gratitude  Honduras Mobile Number List are expresse.  a kiss  and the one with the heart-shape eyes , which are use with the same meaning. The tenth place is occupie by the face that winks at us . Only 4.6% of those surveye chose her among her three favorite emojis. Free Trial SMS 92% of the active population on the Internet uses emojis . With such hard data, it is clear that these fun symbols have no intention of disappearing.

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They are characters that help convey a very specific emotion or nuance that words cannot fully express. This is very practical for marketing teams, who can use this resource in informal and fun contexts. The proper use of emojis on social networks, in email subject lines or in text message marketing campaigns can serve to stand out and improve the IE Lists customer experience, reinforcing the relationship with them. If you nee help launching your first SMS campaign or if you want more effective mobile marketing campaigns, contact one of our SMSpubli experts talk to an expert.

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