Home » 6 examples of newsletters for a company’s internal communication

6 examples of newsletters for a company’s internal communication

Informing your customers is important, but you cannot leave your employees out of the loop. To do this, it is essential to create a newsletter for internal communication. This will be of great help to establish a closer and more human relationship with all the staff working in your company.

The idea is that you can connect with people who fulfill different roles within your company. Keep in mind that this will make them feel not just like another number, but like an important part of the institution. Remember that they will be the first ambassadors of your company ‘s actions and values .

Therefore, it is essential that you work with a good email marketing strategy to reach them. One of the easiest ways to have this approach is through the newsletter for internal communication. There they will be able to find information of interest and, in addition, they will be part of the daily news.


Newsletter functions for internal communication

It’s not just about creating a newsletter for internal communication and that’s it. You need to work on a structure and know how to implement it. To do this, it’s important that you clearly understand the role that this type of business newsletter plays in a brand’s communication:

  • Communicate and distribute information via email that is intended for employees . It should be relevant and useful to departments and workers, regardless of hierarchical classifications.
  • Encourage camaraderie among employees , as many people do not have a deep sense of belonging or have not established Newsletter for internal friendships with others. This may be because they are from different departments or because they are separated by cubicles.
  • Allowing employees to share this information with their own families, friends and social circles is a great way to put word-of-mouth strategy into practice.
  • Reduce email overload by not sending individual notices, announcements, or thank-yous to multiple departments or employees. Internal newsletters can help manage information distribution more efficiently.
  • Working in conjunction with other communication channels . For example, recognizing the achievements of a specific team or department. Instead of being displayed only on the intranet, or notice board, it could be mentioned in the newsletter for internal communication.
  • Informing new employees about the company and its activities is a very effective onboarding process that helps improve employee engagement.
  • Get feedback and improve employee happiness. Newsletters serve to engage and retain your employees for longer. You can cambodia phone number data ask for feedback through email surveys to find out how they feel.


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Advantages of the newsletter for internal communication

Before you learn about some examples of cause marketing: the power of brands that give back newsletters for internal communication, it is worth explaining what it offers. Yes, those positive aspects that will motivate you to add this resource to your email marketing actions:

  • It gives you a greater reach and allows you to fanto data reduce production costs. Consider that it is a medium that is characterized by its immediacy and easy dissemination.
  • You can segment content based on employee interests.
  • This type of newsletter helps foster a good working environment, as you share internal information, such as the activities carried out by the various departments, their achievements and special events.
  • You have the opportunity to create attractive designs that complement the company’s corporate elements. For example, colors, typography , images… all of this must be in tune with your brand image.
  • Help your marketing and communications department automatically generate responses and interest. This way, you can set up your next actions.
  • You can refer employees to other channels, such as the intranet, internal magazine, specific websites, etc. Here they will find the most detailed information.
  • Employees can participate in the creation of content through interviews or testimonials. This allows for a more personal and informal language.

Get inspired by these newsletters for internal communication

You now have a clearer idea of ​​how newsletters work and the benefits you get from them for internal communication. So, it’s time for you to see some examples of business newsletters that will serve as a guide for creating your own:

1.- Educational initiatives

A good example of a newsletter for internal communication is this one from the company Empopasto. They use their newsletter called “Empower Yourself”  to inform about the launch of a diploma course to learn more about environmental education. A topic that is clearly related to the company’s values. 

The company describes it as “a newsletter aimed at communicating to Empopasto staff the actions carried out by workers in different areas .” It claims that in this way they can contribute to a better organizational environment in which there is greater employee participation. 

As for the design , the colors they use are the same as those in their logo, which allows for coherence and harmony. At the beginning, the name and the different sections it has are highlighted, followed by an image and detailed information.

2.- Information of interest

As you may have already found out, the main objective of a newsletter for internal communication is to inform. It is aimed at a very specific audience, that is, the employees of the different departments with the intention of keeping them up to date with the activities that the company carries out and the achievements that it obtains.

This is exactly what Beneficia.mx does in its newsletter “Info Red” . The information they provide is ideal for new employees and anyone who is unfamiliar with aspects such as the company’s mission and vision. Take advantage of the opportunity to address different topics such as the use of resources, birthdays of the month and much more. 

They use different colors that match each other, which immediately draws attention. In addition, each text box is accompanied by an image, which makes reading pleasant and easy. They do not overload content, they put only what is necessary.

3.- Anniversary of the newsletter

The newsletter is becoming a key part of your internal communication and that is why you should give it the place it deserves. And this is exactly what the Cafexcoop company does, as it uses this tool to celebrate the first anniversary of its corporate newsletter.

Not only does it announce that it is celebrating its first anniversary, but it also uses this occasion to answer some questions related to the newsletter. It is worth noting that they use a very creative design in which they highlight the texts placed in a staggered manner. And they keep only three colors: blue, yellow and white that combine perfectly.

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