5 Key Considerations For Businesses When Commenting

A few decades ago, the rule of thumb for businesses when it came to politics or social issues would be to ignore it. However, as the world has become more politically aware of the situations that infiltrate everyday life, businesses can no longer sit on the sidelines as history passes them by.

Politics and social issues can be thorny subjects, especially if a company doesn’t understand where its audience’s sentiments lie. A wrong step could mean a public relations disaster of epic proportions. Here, 15 members of forbes agency council examine how a business can comment on social and political issues without finding themselves on the receiving end of “cancel culture.

Photos of featured members

Members offer advice for businesses that want to publicly comment on political or social issues.

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

1. Walk the talk

A tweet in support of an issue phone leads might feel like a good idea, but when you lend your brand’s support to a cause or issue, make sure it’s more than words on a screen. Woke consumers do their research. Be prepared to speak to what your company is doing with its policies, procedures and dollars if you choose to join the conversation on social issues. – kate weidner , srw

2. Get buy-in from all levels

It has to be more than a public statement. When you stake a claim, be sure that the belief has buy-in across all aspects of your business. Your employees need to have buy-in and stand behind the belief, you need alignment with existing core clients and local support within the community.

Each business decision should be held up to a litmus test to ensure

It aligns with your belief (social or political). – korena keys, keymedia solutions

3. Don’t force it

Engaging in political or social issues IE Lists may not be right for your brand. Before you go down this path, make sure that you take an honest look at your brand and your consumer to see if these issues fit your identity. If they don’t, it’s best not to force it. Today’s consumers can spot forced or disingenuous commentary a mile away.

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